Just like most businesses, word of mouth is a primary driver for growing your vet clinic. What people say about your services is arguably more important than what you do.
Like Germany Kent said, “Image and reputation are just as important as finances and associations.”
Online SEO reputation management for veterinarians is critical, but it is usually not a priority. After all, there are so many other things to be focused on when running a business in the animal care industry.
Some studies suggest, 58% of execs think online reputation management is important, but only 15% do something about it.
This is why you shouldn’t be part of that 43%. And why you should consider PR and online image important as a veterinarian.
What Is Online Veterinary Reputation Management?
In a nutshell, online reputation management (ORM) is an attempt to shape the public’s perception of you. You are attempting to influence how other people perceive you, your business, your services, and all of the above.
How often do you look up a business before giving them your money? We all do it to ensure we will be happy eating at that restaurant, seeing that doctor, visiting that mall, or whatever we are doing.
And your digital image doesn’t stop at your reviews on Google or Yelp. Reputation involves word of mouth, social influence, and how your present yourself via your digital presence.
How SEO Plays a Part in ORM for Vets
So, you might be wondering, what does SEO have to do with managing your reputation online? Well, search engine optimization (in this context) means managing what people see when they search for your veterinary business.
SEO reputation management primarily focuses on keyword performance and how you are presented on the actual results page. The end goal is to boost the ranking of positive information and smother any harmful content.
Why Your Vet Business Should Care About SEO Rep Management
The worst thing that can happen to any business is negative chatter on the internet. Think one-star reviews and negative comments on your Facebook page.
It can be hard to control the perception of the public eye, especially when issues are beyond our control. However, what you can control is how your vet clinic approaches reputation management.
In case you aren’t convinced already, this is why you need to care about veterinary SEO reputation management.
Power of Talk
Did you know that good old-fashioned word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to get new clients? About four out of five people will receive advice on social media before making a purchasing decision.
Thanks to technology, our world is more interconnected than ever. It takes probably ten seconds to put a company on blast, either in a positive or negative light.
While this might be unnerving, it is an opportunity to peer into the minds of your clients and receive valuable feedback.
Reputations Outlast a Brand
Like a shadow, your reputation will follow your brand and business until the end of its days. Reputations always outlast your brand, particularly if you’ve developed a strong image.
So, why not take the time to ensure it is positive rather than negative? Your practice is your legacy, so let that be a driving force behind SEO ORM.
Impact Organic Traffic
All hail organic traffic. It’s what every digital marketer craves because this form of traffic is earned- not paid for. Both positive and negative content can rack up this organic backing in search.
If people fuel a specific piece of content that paints your vet clinic in a harsh light, that will start to outrank the positive. Eventually, your website will get buried under all the gossip-worthy information, leading to a dip in your traffic, conversions, and business.
Brand Equity
Even as a veterinarian, brand equity and value are important. Your reputation has a direct relationship with the perceived value of your business, and it ties into SEO. Search reveals all about your branding.
It also affects equity, which involves your customer relationships and their awareness & loyalty to your brand. Any type of value or equity brand loss is just another gain for your competition.
Best Practices for ORM as a Vet
There are a few things you can do to mitigate negativity or virtually crowd control your business.
- Always respond to negative reviews. Be professional and show concern.
- Ask happy clients to leave an online review for you.
- Build a credible website that shows trust and authority.
Those best practices just scrape the surface, but it is a good place to start.
Veterinarian SEO Marketing Agency
Does your vet clinic actively monitor your online reputation? Do you want to make sure prospective clients can easily find and navigate your website? We thought so too.
Our marketing agency purely specializes in the veterinary and animal care industry. That means not only will you be working with SEO professionals, but you’ll also be working with a team who loves animals as much as you do.
If you are excited about getting seen in search engines and improving your online presence, schedule a demo with us today. We can’t wait to meet you (and your furry friend)!